About This File
Ban system that supports temporarily/permanently banning names, social club names, IP addresses and HWIDs.
- Put banapi into your server's packages directory
- Open banapi/database.js and put your MySQL config
- All done
/* getUnixTimestamp() Returns the current Unix timestamp. */ mp.bans.getUnixTimestamp() /* formatUnixTimestamp(unixTimestamp) Converts a Unix timestamp to "day/month/year hour:minute:second" format. Returns a string. */ mp.bans.formatUnixTimestamp(unixTimestamp) /* add(value, banType, reason, endUnixTimestamp) Adds a ban to the bans table, the ban will be permanent if endUnixTimestamp is -1. You need to provide the value like a player's serial, IP or name. endUnixTimestamp must be seconds, NOT milliseconds. Just use the provided getUnixTimestamp() This won't terminate the banned player's connection. Can be used for offline banning. Returns a promise. */ mp.bans.add(value, banType, reason, endUnixTimestamp) /* banPlayer(playerID, banType, reason, endUnixTimestamp) Bans the specified player, the ban will be permanent if endUnixTimestamp is -1. The script will get the value, you just need to provide a player ID and ban type. endUnixTimestamp must be seconds, NOT milliseconds. Just use the provided getUnixTimestamp() This will terminate the banned player's connection. Returns a promise. */ mp.bans.banPlayer(playerID, banType, reason, endUnixTimestamp) /* getInfo(banID) Gets information about the specified ban ID. Returns a promise. */ mp.bans.getInfo(banID) /* remove(banID) Removes the specified ban ID from the bans table. Returns a promise. */ mp.bans.remove(banID)
Ban Types
- 0 = Name ban, player's current name will be banned. (player.name property)
- 1 = Social Club name ban, player's current social club name will be banned. (player.socialClub property)
- 2 = IP ban, player's current IP address will be banned. (player.ip property)
- 3 = HWID ban, player's current HWID will be banned. (player.serial property)
Example Commands
/* Usage: /ban 5 0 60 Take a break Will nameban the player ID 5 (if there is a player with ID 5) for 60 minutes with the reason "Take a break". */ mp.events.addCommand("ban", (player, _, target, type, minutes, ...reason) => { target = Number(target); type = Number(type); minutes = Number(minutes); let fullReason = reason.join(' '); let targetPlayer = mp.players.at(target); if (targetPlayer) { mp.bans.banPlayer(targetPlayer.id, type, fullReason, mp.bans.getUnixTimestamp() + (minutes * 60)).then((banID) => { player.outputChatBox(`Banned ${targetPlayer.name} with the reason '${fullReason}' for ${minutes} minutes.`); console.log(`${player.name} banned ${targetPlayer.name} for ${minutes} minutes. (${fullReason}) BanID: ${banID}`); }).catch((err) => { player.outputChatBox(`Error occurred while banning ${targetPlayer.name}.`); player.outputChatBox(`Error: ${err.message}`); }); } else { player.outputChatBox(`No player with the ID ${target} found.`); } }); /* Usage: /baninfo 3 Will show information about ban ID 3 (if it exists) */ mp.events.addCommand("baninfo", (player, banID) => { banID = Number(banID); mp.bans.getInfo(banID).then((banInfo) => { if (banInfo) { player.outputChatBox(`Ban Information (BanID ${banInfo.ID})`); player.outputChatBox(`Type: ${banInfo.Type}`); player.outputChatBox(`Value: ${banInfo.Value}`); player.outputChatBox(`Reason: ${banInfo.Reason}`); player.outputChatBox(`Is Permanent: ${banInfo.LiftTimestamp == -1}`); if (banInfo.LiftTimestamp > -1) player.outputChatBox(`Ends: ${mp.bans.formatUnixTimestamp(banInfo.LiftTimestamp)}`); } else { player.outputChatBox(`BanID ${banID} expired or doesn't exist.`); } }).catch((err) => { player.outputChatBox(`Error occurred while getting BanID ${banID}.`); player.outputChatBox(`Error: ${err.message}`); }); }); /* Usage: /removeban 5 Will remove the ban with specified ID (if it exists) */ mp.events.addCommand("removeban", (player, banID) => { banID = Number(banID); mp.bans.remove(banID).then((success) => { if (success) { player.outputChatBox(`BanID ${banID} is now history...`); } else { player.outputChatBox(`Couldn't remove BanID ${banID}, probably expired or doesn't exist.`); } }).catch((err) => { player.outputChatBox(`Error occurred while removing BanID ${banID}.`); player.outputChatBox(`Error: ${err.message}`); }); });
- This script will handle banned players when they join. (kick if they're still banned, remove ban if their ban expired)
- Don't use JS timestamps as they are milliseconds, use the provided mp.bans.getUnixTimestamp()