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[WIP][EX-YU] Focus Roleplay | Heavy Text Based Roleplay


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A B O U T   U S

Focus Roleplay is server with 'old-school' text based gamemode and as such is first server of that type on Balkan continent. Our goal is to provide you an unforgettable roleplay experience. This project is led by a small group of very enthusiastic people who code from love and enjoy playing on roleplay server since 2009. Also, one of the our fundamental goal is that every new member of our community finds something for himself to enjoy and to grow as a roleplay player. Everyone is welcome!




O N    E X - Y U



Focus Roleplay je ideja proizašla od entuzijastične grupe ljudi koji su konačno izgradili jednu respektabilnu balkansku gaming zajednicu koja će okupljati sve ljubitelje ove igre na jednom mestu. Jedna od fundamentalnih težnji naše zajednice jeste da svaki novopridošli član naše zajednice bude uspešno integrisan i da svojom kreativnošću, znanjem, idejama i kvalitetnim roleplay-om aktivno učestvuje i daje svoj doprinos u izgradnji community-a. Svi su dobrodošli!



Edited by Zekiloni
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