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Found 3 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hello, I needed a script which lets me view animations. I found Hazes' resource (linked below) which is written in C# so I decided to transform it to TypeScript so that I can use it in TypeScript servers as well. Installation: Download and extract the script Put the files inside the "server" folder into your server packages Put the files in the "client" folder into your client packages Import the "animator" files on server and client side. Instructions on how to use the script can be found in the original resources's description. This script is based on:
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Hi everyone, I've decided to share my Animator resource which basically lets you play all animations avaliable in this list: https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=Animations I have converted it from GTA Network to RAGEMP recently. It's a very simple but useful script. Searching through the animations list is like looking for needle in the haystack, considering about 2/5 of all anims cannot be applied to ped and 1/2 of those you wouldn't really find use for. It's a great solution if you don't want to install any mods to view anims. Just include the file and preview! Save included. There are 12,365 animations to play. Some of anims do not work on player as they are intended to be used on props, vehicles, weapons etc. You can also experience a few seconds delay on some animations, but none of them causes crashes. After launching the Animator a drawText will appear in bottom-right corner of the screen, showing you which animation you are viewing including ID, animation group and name. How to install: UnZip the file and move the animation-viewer folder to bridge -> resources folder. Include animation-viewer resource in settings.xml. Move animator.js from animation-viewer folder to clientside_packages folder and include it in index.js. How to use: Type /animator to launch or close the animator. Type /animator help for in-game help. Type /animator skip [number] to skip to animation id. Type /animator save [savename] to save the animation. ( saves in server root folder in Saved_Animations.txt. ) Type /animator stop to stop currently playing animation. Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to cycle through animations. Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to cycle through 100 animations at once. Notes: All animations are looped. Clientside file is minified. This resource is made for server developers. It sends huge amounts of data to clientside when launching so use it only to preview/save animations. You can see the code here: https://gitlab.com/Hazes/animator-viewer Changelog: [v1.0] Code has been sorted and is a bit more optimized. Fixed assembly reference error for those who didn't have System.IO.dll included in their main resource. Parsing the number in /animator skip now works correctly. Presentation:
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple script was made to help you to find a Screen FX effect! Requirements: NativeUI. Use F2, to see menu.
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