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About This File

Echtwelt Reborn Rage MP on base of NodeJS+MongoDB+React/SemanticUI

Please don't use the attached file, download the latest version from the repository here https://github.com/xzessmedia/EchtweltRageMP

CEF Demo:


Simple deployment powered by docker:


To discuss and get help please join this Discord (Please don't use issue tracker for discussion)

Looking forward to your contributions to make this repository successful and alive :)

Optional: Custom Vehicles:
You can download the last Vehicle Pack from here:

Password: OpenSource

To install you have to create a folder "dlcpacks" inside your client_packages folder of your server and copy the files inside.

All vehicles tested and with numberplate (as far as i know)


What's New in Version 0.29.01   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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   5 of 6 members found this review helpful 5 / 6 members

Seems to be organized and newbie friendly, source code contains some German though (e.g. nordwerkstatt)



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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

>Looking forward to your contributions to make this repository successful and alive :)

yeap]] looking forward to see their contributions too

 🤠 🤠 🤠 🤠

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

Sieht interessant aus. Hat das schon jemand zum Laufen gebracht? Ich habe mich an die Anleitung gehalten und weder unter Windows noch unter Linux (Ubuntu) bekomme ich dieses Script zum Laufen. Ja, ich kann mich anmelden (mit Fehlern) aber dann laufe ich als mp_m_freemode_01 Model durch die Gegend und kann nichts machen. 

Die Konsole gibt bei mir z.B. folgenden Fehler nach dem ersten Anmelden aus:

[Rage-Test]:23:05:17 - Player spawning at {"x":0,"y":0,"z":0}
C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\core\CoreLog.js:37: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
            return ('[NAME]' + player.name + '[SC]' + player.socialClub + '[IP]' + player.ip + '[PACKLOSS]' + player.packetLoss + '[ACTION]' + player.action + '[AIM]' + player.aimTarget.name + '[DATA]' + JSON.stringify(player.data));
[Rage-Test]:23:05:43 - Player test has no account and registers one
[Rage-Test]:23:05:43 - {}
[N] xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:60233 has been disconnected.
[Rage-Test]:23:12:04 - Player test has an account
[Rage-Test]:23:12:04 - Account Id: 5e35f63761202c1988a359f1
[Rage-Test]:23:12:04 - No Characters found
[Rage-Test]:23:12:27 - Requesting Character creation (Der_Test)
[Rage-Test]:23:12:27 - Der_Test has spawned at {"x":-1.1646665334701538,"y":0.3795699179172516,"z":71.14828491210938}
[Rage-Test]:23:12:29 - Trying to create character: Der Test
[N] xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:62153 has been disconnected.
[Rage-Test]:23:19:08 - Der_Test has entered the server!
[Rage-Test]:23:19:08 - Player spawning at {"x":0,"y":0,"z":0}
C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\core\CoreLog.js:37: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
            return ('[NAME]' + player.name + '[SC]' + player.socialClub + '[IP]' + player.ip + '[PACKLOSS]' + player.packetLoss + '[ACTION]' + player.action + '[AIM]' + player.aimTarget.name + '[DATA]' + JSON.stringify(player.data));
[Rage-Test]:23:19:20 - Player test has an account
[Rage-Test]:23:19:20 - Account Id: 5e35f63761202c1988a359f1
[Rage-Test]:23:19:20 - 1 Characters found
[Rage-Test]:23:19:20 - Receiving Character Data: {"_id":"5e35f7cd61202c1988a359f3","createdAt":"2020-02-01T22:12:29.586Z","account":{"_id":"5e35f63761202c1988a359f1","createdAt":"2020-02-01T22:05:43.526Z","lastLogin":"2020-02-01T22:05:43.526Z","socialclubname":"test","ragempname":"Der_Test","hardwareId":"","loginData":"{\"username\":\"test\",\"password\":\"1234\"}","status":1,"__v":0},"firstname":"Der","lastname":"Test","isCitizen":false,"isAlive":true,"isBanned":false,"handmoney":750,"lastposition":"{\"x\":-1082.522,\"y\":-2719.15,\"z\":-7.410131}","job":"Arbeitslos","inventory":null,"bankaccounts":[],"playerdata":null,"__v":0}
[Rage-Test]:23:19:22 - Player choosed character.. receiving data: [object Object]
(node:6536) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: callClient from the server expects 2 to 4 arguments: "player", "name", optional "args", and optional "options"
(node:6536) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:6536) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
(node:6536) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
    at CoreLog.PlayerInfo (C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\core\CoreLog.js:37:187)
    at CoreLog.AddPlayerLog (C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\core\CoreLog.js:28:24)
    at CorePlayer.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\core\CorePlayer.js:83:31)
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\core\CorePlayer.js:7:71
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\core\CorePlayer.js:3:12)
    at CorePlayer.OnCharacterDeath (C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\core\CorePlayer.js:81:16)
    at Object.InitRageEvents.mp.events.add [as self] (C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\Echtwelt.js:98:34)
    at Object.fire (<anonymous>:721:8)
    at eval (eval at add (unknown source), <anonymous>:3:11)
(node:6536) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 2)
[N] xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:49383 has been disconnected.

In der MongoDB steht unter ewlogs:

message:"Server has started"

unter ewcharakters:


unter ewaccounts:


Namen & Passwörter wurden durch test, Der_Test & 1234 ersetzt. Ich bin mit meinem Latein am Ende. Wäre eine SQL-Datenbank nicht viel einfacher gewesen? Copy & Paste => fertig? Für mich sieht es so aus, als wenn er etliche Daten nicht findet. So verweist z.B. die "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\database\database.js.map" auf einen Ordner, den es nicht gibt ("sources":["../../../src/modules/database/database.ts"]). Falls das irgendwas damit zu tun haben sollte. 

Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar. 

Erst mal 2 von 5 Sternen. Vielleicht später mehr! ;)


For non-German speakers (google translate):
Looks interesting. 
Has anyone got it going yet? 
I followed the instructions and neither Windows nor Linux (Ubuntu) I can get this script to run. 
Yes, I can register (with errors) but then I run around the area as an mp_m_freemode_01 model and cannot do anything.
The console gives me e.g. the following error after the first login: (see first code above)
In MongoDB under ewlogs: (see second code above)
under ewcharakters: (third code above)
under ewaccounts: (last code above)

Names & passwords were replaced by test, Der_Test & 1234. 
I'm done. Wouldn't an SQL database have been much easier? 
Copy & Paste => done? For me it looks like he can't find a lot of data. 
For example, the "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EchtweltRageMP\GameServer\packages\echtwelt\modules\database\database.js.map" 
to a folder that does not exist ("sources": ["../../../src/modules/database/database.ts"]).
If that had anything to do with it.
I'm grateful for any help.

For now: 2 of 5 stars. Maybe more later. ;)

Guest Thomas Anders

   1 of 3 members found this review helpful 1 / 3 members

@brainmark du bewertest etwas wovon du keine Ahnung hast. Der Autor hat doch sogar einen Discord Channel angegeben und hat selbst mir die ein oder andere Frage beantwortet. Als Verfechter von Open Source, find ich sowas mega lame was du machst!

Kein wunder dass die da im Channel oft rumschnauzen und auf die Readme verweisen, wenn da immer solche Vögel aufkreuzen


· Edited by Blacki89

   1 of 4 members found this review helpful 1 / 4 members

Servus erstmal,

Gibt es auch die möglichkeit das man die Daten so bekommt ohne die Bat???
Den ich würde gerne sachen überarbeiten und selber noch hinzufügen u.s.w.
Dahr wäre es supa wenn man da die sogenannte projektmappe, clients sachen und SQL hat ohne den bats.
Wäre das möglich? kannst mich auch gerne peer PN kontaktieren.
Und kleine Frage. Wo ist die SQL datenbank ? Oo

aber bevor ich das vergesse. Danke für die tolle arbeit und das du sie offen für jeden zurverfügung stellst.

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