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Map Editor 2 [BETA][Fixed Markers] 2.0.1

   (18 reviews)

6 Screenshots

About This File

MAP EDITOR 2 [BETA v2.0.0] (Free and doesn't have keyboard only controls)

Known Bugs: A million of them, don't tell me about it.

Drop the MapEditor2.dll file in your resource resources

Drop the MapEditor2.cs and Objects.cs files in your cs_packages folder

Server Commands:
/loadmap name --Globally loads the map instead of client-sided only
/unloadmap name

Client Controls:
Press M to start/stop the editor

WSAD to move
Q & E move you down and up
Hold right-click to move, while moving you can scroll down/up to increase speed
Hold left control to move slow
Hold shift to move fast
Press Delete to delete the highlighted object

You can drag objects by holding left-click on them
You can duplicate objects by right-clicking and then clicking "Clone Object"

"Exit Here" Button - Drops you at the location your camera is
"Exit Back" Button - Drops you back at the original location you started the editor
"Place Objects On Ground" Button - When you drag, the object will be placed on the ground properly
"Save Map" Button - Hover over the name box to input a name, click save to save the map
"Load Map" Button - Hover over the name box to input a name, click load to load the map (Client-sided load)
"Clear Map" Button - Wipes the current loaded map


Upcoming features;

-Vehicle list (Support exists)


-Undo & Redo

-Group select

-Adding objects to favorites (System in place but isn't finished)

What's New in Version 2.0.1   See changelog


Forgot to include the JS script to draw the markers.

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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

Very nice resource,

I would suggest adding display for object coords and also the ability to edit them for those tight tolerances use cases when you need perfect alignment

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· Edited by Aaskjer

   3 of 6 members found this review helpful 3 / 6 members

Resource loaded but Button M doesn't work

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

I've been mapping since early 2008 when samp 0.2.x was up and I used from Map Editors to Scripts and this is probably the best map editor I've seen in terms of interface and control bar none.

I know this is not done yet but I am really looking forward to see your updates.

Also, Is there a list of spawned objects or not yet?

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

mega epic beast work of 2019))

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

thank bro

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   0 of 2 members found this review helpful 0 / 2 members

waaaaaaow thanks realllllly epic resource

got my map 🗺️ edited ✍️


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Just started trying to create objects and maps for my server, this is super helpful thanks! 

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