About This File
This resource lets you add metal detectors that go off when a player with a not allowed weapon goes through them.
- Put the files you downloaded in their respective places
- Add require('metaldetectors') to client_packages/index.js
- Set up some metal detectors (read below)
- All done
JSON Files
Most of the changes are done by editing JSON files located in packages/metaldetectors/json/.
Remember to validate your changes here: https://jsonlint.com/
colshapeSize: Size of the metal detector colshape, I think the default value is pretty much perfect and doesn't need any editing.
soundRange: Maximum range/distance of the players who should hear metal detector alarms, default value is 15.0.
cooldownMs: Milliseconds that need to pass before a metal detector goes off again, default value is 2000.
allowedWeapons: Array of weapons that are ignored by metal detectors. This list is pretty much empty and you probably should fill it, WEAPON_UNARMED and WEAPON_CERAMICPISTOL are ignored by default.
smallWeaponGroups: Array of weapon groups that are considered small. Weapons of this group will play the small weapon alarm sound and everything else will play the big weapon alarm sound. GROUP_MELEE, GROUP_PISTOL, GROUP_SMG, GROUP_STUNGUN and GROUP_THROWN are considered small by default.
This file contains the metal detectors in array of objects format. A metal detector has x, y, z, heading, dimension and createProp properties.
x, y, z: Coordinates of the metal detector.
heading: Rotation (yaw) of the metal detector.
dimension: Dimension of the metal detector.
Default value: 0
createProp: Whether this metal detector should create a prop when it is loaded or not, useful if you want to use existing metal detectors. (like in the IAA facility interior)
Default value: true
// Example: Metal detector used in the making of video above { "x": 2059.037109375, "y": 2980.64208984375, "z": -62.90178298950195, "heading": 325.0, "dimension": 0 }
Used for weapon groups, just make sure it is updated after every DLC.
For Developers
This resource triggers an event named playerTriggerMetalDetector with args player, position, isSmallWeapon when players trigger a metal detector.
player: The player who triggered a metal detector.
position: Coordinates of the metal detector.
isSmallWeapon: Whether the player's weapon was a small weapon or not.
(another arg that contains weapon hash might be added in the future)
mp.events.add("playerTriggerMetalDetector", (player, position, isSmallWeapon) => { player.outputChatBox(`You triggered a metal detector with a ${isSmallWeapon ? "small" : "big"} weapon!`); });
- Right now, this resource checks only the current weapon of a player due to issues with player.weapons. If player.weapons get fixed, I'll update the resource to check for all weapons of a player.
Source code is available on GitHub in case you don't want to download: https://github.com/root-cause/ragemp-metal-detectors
What's New in Version 1.1.0 See changelog
* This version needs RAGE Multiplayer 1.1.0 and above to work.
- All weapons of the player will be checked now instead of the current.
- Added detectedWeapon last argument to both clientside and serverside events. It contains the weapon hash that triggered the metal detector.