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Found 4 results

  1. Hey, Im trying to fix this bug for a week and you are my last hope... Every time I directly connect to an IP my GTA starts but always crashes! It says I should try to lower the settings BUT I got a high end gaming laptop, I play EVERY other game on the highest settings, and I even play GTA on the highest settings (normal GTA without Rage) so just believe me, ITS NOT BECAUSE OF THE PERFORMANCE(even If the error says that). I tried almost every trick and tipp for fixing this bug but NOTHING! I've contacted the Rockstarsupport and they said they cant help me either( I wrote my problem into the discord server several times). I would really appriciate help! Of course we can talk in discord or teamviewer but please help me! the error--> https://gyazo.com/7c03a5918b118df6bb1abba2e3cfe2ca
  2. I have a macbook and I installed additional windows on it downloaded GTA 5 from Steam and then downloaded rage after choosing the server I write an error not an unexpected error with a suggestion to start in safe mode. I tried to remove rage mp and I get an error that this is not possible (check the file location is correct). on behalf of the administrator, delete also fails. if you delete all the files in the rage folder, except update.exe - it comes to the end and remains (does not end at all) gta online works microsoft visual c ++ libraries updated
  3. Hey guys! Originally wrote the code on the client in C#. Unfortunately it does not support some of the features that I need. Therefore, I decided to transfer the client's side to the language of JS. But the problem arose at the very beginning of the journey. I opened the tutorial (https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Getting_Started_with_Client-side) and did everything as written there. Then I started the server and joined it and I realized that nothing works. Based on the lesson materials, I have to get a chat message. But nothing works. I would like to appeal to the multiplayer community. Can you help me solve this problem?
  4. Hallo, ich wollte heute anfangen auf einem Roleplayserver zu spielen. Als ich jedoch RageMP installiert habe und es starten wollte, machte Updates und als diese fertig waren schloss sich die Anwendung. Wenn ich die Anwendung nochmal starte, öffnet sich der Windows-Explorer mit der Anweisung ich solle den Dateipfad auswählen. Sobald ich den Pfad eingebe und auf OK drücke schließt sich der Explorer und nichts passiert. Bei einer erneuten Installation kam folgende Fehlermeldung: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. Bitte um Lösungsvorschläge MFG Suchtgurke / Sandro
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