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About This File

The actual file is too big for RageMP, and is instead hosted on Git LFS. You can get it from my Github repository at


The repository contains a helpful file with Z-heights for any given X,Y coordinate in GTA:V. I originally wrote a client-side script in JavaScript back in 2018 that would teleport the player in a grid pattern and grab the heights around him using:

entity.getHeight(X, Y, Z, atTop, inWorldCoords);

from  https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Entity::getHeight  

This is not perfect, and I'm pretty sure that there exists proper height maps that would produce the same or something of higher quality.

All heights are within a bounded box with a lower left point and upper right point in world coordinates:

  • LOWER LEFT: (-4100,-4300)
  • UPPER RIGHT: (4300, 7825)

This covers the land of San Andreas and must of the surrounding waters.

Beaware that some heights might be 0, but my experience is that this is only a few of them.

To use:

float height = GetHeightAtXY(goto.X, goto.Y);
NAPI.Entity.SetEntityPosition(ply, new Vector3(goto.X, goto.Y, height));
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