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How to edit handling and set your own car sounds?


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Hello! Need help setting up the car. When editing the handling file.meta, the game crashes with the error ERR GEN INVALID or nothing changes. 
The second problem is that we don't know how to add our own sounds to the machines. 
Thank you in advance for the answer, I will be very grateful!

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9 часов назад, lopatindd сказал:

Hello. I think the first problem is that after the changes you made, you did not use the ArchiveFix program. I have no answer to the second question, I apologize.

Hello! Thanks for the answer, but unfortunately I used ArhiveFix repeatedly, but it was after the changes that this error came out, because when I rolled back the server to the previous settings everything worked.

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8 часов назад, RastiCostello сказал:


Hello! Thanks for the answer, but unfortunately I used ArhiveFix repeatedly, but it was after the changes that this error came out, because when I rolled back the server to the previous settings everything worked.

What changes were made?

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