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Found 4 results

  1. Version 1.3.1


    So this is a simple Script, that detects suspicious actions from client-side: - No Reload - Unallowed Weapons - Rapid Fire - Flyhacks - Speedhacks - Vehicle Fly and Speedhacks - Static Godmodes and Healkeys Showcase: https://streamable.com/iklquo When you teleport, heal or respawn the player, use the 'client:respawning' event. If you want to use something like Medkits or Respawns you need to trigger the 'client:respawning' event, which disables the AntiCheat for some seconds, otherwise the player gets flagged. Do your own thing for Vehicle Flyhack flagging, because on my server, you don't do those big Car Stuntjumps, where you fly like 30m high. Maybe remove that flagging. NOTE: There are many reasons that can cause false flags, for example high-ping or low fps. Dont ever autoban people with this!
  2. I don't know why These 2 functions are not working : mp.game.player.disableVehicleRewards(); mp.game.player.setHealthRechargeMultiplier(0.0); mp.events.add("playerReady", player => { mp.game.player.disableVehicleRewards(); mp.game.player.setHealthRechargeMultiplier(0.0); }); Rage 1.1
  3. Hi guys, yesterday I tried this code for client side js: mp.events.add("playerSpawn", () => { mp.gui.chat.push("You just spawned"); }); and its doesnt work. Just like "playerJoin" or other events on client side. Also i tried for "render" event,and its worked just fine. Can you explain why client side events wont work? (my script is added in index.js)
  4. Hey developers, I've created a small node-module, to make it easier to create key-binds (also multiple keys). For example, you are able to do this: keyBinder.bind('ctrl+n', () => { mp.gui.chat.push("Ctrl+N"); }); The last key in the chain (a+b+c+d) can be any key and all the other keys have to be 'modifiers'. By default ctrl, alt, and shift are modifiers. So you can create combinations like: 'shift+ctrl+k'. For more information please take a look into the repositorie's readme: https://github.com/araynimax/ragemp-better-binding As mentioned I've published this module to npm so you can easily import it into your projects with `npm install ragemp-better-bindings` or `yarn add ragemp-better-bindings`. If you don't use npm right now, just download it from the download section: If you find bugs or if you have improvement suggestions feel free to message me, or just comment in this post.
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