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Found 4 results

  1. Version 0.3


    NEW VERSION: Version 0.3 - March 22nd, 2018 Changelog(0.3) -Support for 1.43 added. This resource also supports 1.41 and 1.42. -Added freeze/unfreeze ability for objects. (Use this on doors. Just press F to toggle) -Fix duplication bug. Changelog(0.2.2) -Fix "mobj" command with string/number hash detection. Changelog(0.2.1) -Fix crash when trying to dupe map hashes. Changelog(0.2) -Dupe function (Right click objects and you can place the same object again) (Works on non-editor objects). -Hash checker (Look at any object on the map, not just editor objects to check their hash). -Auto adjustement in placement stage. Right click to automatically rotate/position object on the ground. -Scroll improvement by loading models ahead of time. -Other fixes. -Some code restructure thanks to mtz64. Changelog (0.1) -Initial Release Yes there are lack of features or some bugs, 0.1. Make bug reports/suggestions if you have any. **Note that your current edit is autosaved every 30 seconds. To load it call '/mload autosave'. (Yes I know commands throw "Command not found". Ignore it for now) There are roughly 50,000 objects. The list needs a bit of cleaning but it includes many new objects not seen before such as sections of the map. Installation: Drop the "MapEditor" folder inside the "client_packages" folder into your own "client_packages" folder. Merge the index.js file found inside "client_packages" with your own. Drop the "MapEditor" folder inside the "packages" folder into your own "packages" folder. Usage: To start/exit the editor press F2. (NOTE THAT OBJECTS CURRENTLY IN EDIT MODE WILL REMAIN ON THE MAP. USE /mclear) Press 1 for Selector Mode (You can click on objects, or click off to deselect) Press 2 for Object Placement Mode Press 3 for Adjustment Mode Press ENTER to save objects inside Adjustment Mode. Press SPACE to rotate objects by 90 degrees in Object Placement Mode. WASD to move around. E and Q to move up and down. Shift to speed up movement, control to slow down movement. Ctrl + Z to undo object creation, Ctrl + Y to redo it. This only applies to object creation for now. Controls are defined on the screen for you. Mostly point, click, and drag. Commands: (Yes, commands in 2018, stop crying until I make some UI framework) /msave [name] - used to save your map /mmaps - used to see what maps you have saved in your session /mload [name] - used to load a map (you can load/deload as many maps as you want) (it is synced) /mdeload [name] - used to deload a map if it is loaded (not if it's in edit mode) /mlmaps - used to see what maps are loaded (That's an "L" not an "I") /medit [name] - used to edit a map (it will load in client sided only and you can edit it) /mclear - used to clear your current edit /mindx [index number] - used to set the list index since it is a huge list /mobj [name of hash] - used to spawned a specific object by name API: LoadMap(name); DeloadMap(name); SaveMap(name, data); DO NOT PASS IN THE "_map.json" EXTENSION. THAT IS HANDLED ON ITS OWN. ONLY PASS THE NAME YOU SAVED IT AS. Ex. /msave map1 - will save it as map1_map.json. To load it call /mload map1 or LoadMap("map1"); https://github.com/DisapprovedByMe/MapEditor
  2. Hallo zusammen, ich beschäftige mich seid kurzem mit den mapping. Habe mir dazu das ein oder andere Video angeschaut. Mein Problem ist das ich selbst wenn ich alles 1 zu 1 wie im Video nachmache, mein Rage abstürzt sobald ich die Map auf den Server lade. Ich gehe wie in diesem Video vor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ros8IFVmof8&t=4s
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is a public release of the object editor used on the Mafia City Roleplay server. Usage client-side: let obj = mp.objects.new(mp.game.joaat(model), new mp.Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z)); mp.events.call('objecteditor:start', obj.id); mp.events.add('objecteditor:finish', (objId, pos, rot) => { if(obj.id == objId) { // send pos and rot to server and save or do whatever. return; } }); Github Link: https://github.com/Ahmad45123/ragemp-objecteditor
  4. Version 1.0.5


    This script will allow you to quickly and easily work with 2D text in the game. Contributions: rootcause Captien micaww In 1.0.5 update Scale-X and Outline of 2D text doesn't work and idk where's problem, because i can't fix it...
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